Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Joshua 3- Step into the Water


Joshua 3- Step into the Water

I wondered why God told Joshua to get the priests carrying the Covenant Box to stand in the flooded waters of the Jordon river before anything happened.

I wondered if 2 things were occurring –

I.                     You have to lead by example- No one else is going to follow you if you are not in the water first.  God was putting his priests and his own sacred covenant box at risk.  The key theme here is Vulnerability by leaders is crucial if we are inviting people into the risky place vulnerability will take us.  But the Promised land is on the other side. 

II.                   It takes faith – God had said they crossing of the Jordan would be a sign that GOD was with Joshua as he had been with Moses.  It would vindicate his leadership.  They had to step in while the river was in flood with the promise that they would cross on dry land (Mud!).  God had already organised an earthquake or something to cause the water to be dammed 25 km upstream but Joshua didn’t know that.  He had to follow God.


Thanks David for your sermon on Sunday - much to think about - David's sermon on Joshua 3 will be posted on my youtube channel (search Minister Brett J Walker - Sunday Worship) 

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Married with Children. my wonderful wife is Sue. I have 2 sons Paul in Gisborne David In Napier