Tuesday, October 3, 2017

How to cope when others get it wrong.

How to cope when others get it wrong.
I had few moments when I got it wrong on Sunday – great time at Church- then home and boom – something happened & I blew my fuse. The amazing thing is Peter never seemed to take offense and my hope is neither did those who heard me vent.  I was reading about the dangers of taking Offense at things that are said and done to you and the danger of offense becoming a root of bitterness.
Coping with the things that are done to you which might cause offense seems to be based around Jesus teaching about denying yourself and taking up your cross.
Like Peter – we need to accept God’s plan is not always my plan.  I have to give up Control, insisting things are gone my way.
Like Peter – we need to give up Pride – thinking we know best.
Like Peter we need to give up any sense of Self entitlement.
Matthew says in 16:25 “For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it. The way up is down.
For Jesus this was no theoretical exercise. It was not merely a metaphor for a little bit of self-denial.  Read Philippians 2:1-11.

How to cope when you get it wrong.

How to cope when you get it wrong.
Matthew 16:13-28 has Peter Swinging from the Buzz of recognizing Jesus truly was the Messiah and Jesus telling he was a Rock, and he and this insight would be the foundation of Jesus community. To the bewilderment of Jesus saying he was going to die in fulfillment of God’s plan, to the Belligerent rejection of Jesus plan – This shall never happen to you.  That is a big swing in a few short moments. The swing was complete when Jesus called him a stumbling stone to God’s purposes.  What a swing Foundation stone to Stumbling stone.

Step One when you get it wrong is pick your self up and start again.  Peter was invited to be a follower of Jesus still.  Blowing it from time to time is not blowing it forever.  Falling means it is time to get up again.  Peter is presented with a choice, an invitation to follow Jesus or to turn away in shame – Jesus said to him “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.”  Here is Grace which doesn't treat failure as forever.

Sunday, August 13, 2017

how to use the Lord's prayer as a pattern for your own praying

The Lord’s Prayer as a Pattern for Prayer

 Start with adoration – remember who you are speaking with, and give God thanks for the blessings you have received.  “Our Father in heaven, Hallowed by your name.”             

      Ask for God’s perspective on the things you are praying for (this might be a good time to read some scripture and consider what it has to say about your concerns.  This also means being willing to be a part of the answer to your own prayers.  “Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.”

Tell God about your concerns for yourself and others.  We call this petition and intercession. “Give us this day our daily bread.”

 Talk to God about your relationships – Not just the things you want for yourself and others but the relationships themselves.  Reflect on whether you have done things God calls sin and hurt your relationships, and as you ask for forgiveness for your sins – be willing to offer that same forgiveness to others.   “Forgive us our trespasses, as we also have forgiven those who trespass against us.

.      Commit your day and your future into God’s hands.  What challenges and opportunities has God given you in the day to come? What threats might be coming?  Ask God for guidance and strength to face them.  “Lead us not into temptation,  but deliver us from evil.”


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Married with Children. my wonderful wife is Sue. I have 2 sons Paul in Gisborne David In Napier