Saturday, August 22, 2020

Praying the Lords Prayer

The Lord’s prayer as a Pattern of Prayer

Our Father in heaven, - remember what God is like.  What are 2 attributes of God?

1.                  __________________________________________________________

2.                  __________________________________________________________


God you are the good shepherd, I thank you for your leading, protection  and provision  

Or You are the Creator , thank you for the world you have made

You can sing this -  by singing the 23rd Psalm

or for something more modern - You are a good good father

May your name be honored -          What can you thank God for?

1.                  __________________________________________________________

2.                  __________________________________________________________


  thank you for the sunny day

                        Or Thank you for keeping me safe from ...

May your Kingdom come soon.     What are 2 ways the world would be better if God was in charge?

1.                  __________________________________________________________

2.                  __________________________________________________________


People would not feel anxious about the future because God will be with us - may this become a  reality

                    Or People who are ejected would find welcome and a family to belong to -
                    may this become a  reality

 May your will be done on earth, as it is in heaven.  where does the world need to look like heaven?

1.                  __________________________________________________________

2.                  __________________________________________________________


The world needs to experience healing from Covid and Cancer- may this become a  reality

The world needs to have peace under God's protection -may this become a  reality

Give us today the food we need,    What are your needs for today?

1.                  __________________________________________________________

2.                  __________________________________________________________



               I need food for my family and a job

and forgive us our sins,  What specifically do you need forgiveness for  today?

1.                  __________________________________________________________

2.                  __________________________________________________________


           I am sorry for my theft and my bad attitude towards .......

as we have forgiven those who sin against us.  Who has hurt you or do you resent?

1.                  __________________________________________________________

2.                  __________________________________________________________


           I forgive X for the words he said and Y for her betrayal

And don’t let us yield to temptation,    What inner temptations are you facing?

1.                  __________________________________________________________

2.                  __________________________________________________________


            God you know i struggle with my anger help me stay cool and trust in your love

    but rescue us from the evil one. What people or forces want to lead you astray?

1.                  __________________________________________________________

2.                  __________________________________________________________


           God you know when i am with X that i get sucked into gossiping - help me resist

            God you know my struggles with Doubt and Fear - deliver me

The version of the Lord’s prayer we say includes a final line of Thanksgiving – For yours is the Kingdom the power and the Glory for ever and ever amen.   


Here is a version of the lord's prayer that I really like to listen to.

If you want to listen to a good sermon on the Kingdom of God - i found this helpful


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Married with Children. my wonderful wife is Sue. I have 2 sons Paul in Gisborne David In Napier