Friday, August 14, 2020

JOanne Magills prayer for Peace SUnday August 6th


Today is identified as Peace Sunday by a number of Christian organisations. It is worth noting that 2020 marks the 75th anniversary of the bombing of Hiro-shima and Nagasaki, and it is also the 70th anniversary of the start of the Korean War. This morning I would like to repeat three short prayers from the World Council of Churches resources on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the start of the Korean war that resonated with me this week.


From Erich Weingartner, from the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada

God of love,

We confess that we have been unable to love our enemies, as you have commanded.

We confess that we have been more efficient in waging war than in negotiating peace.

We confess that we have lost our trust in your guidance as the Lord of history.

Grant us faith, that peace is possible on the Korean Peninsula even after 70 years of war.

Grant us hope, that our feeble efforts to promote peace with justice will bear abundant fruit.

Grant us love, that encourages us to overcome suspicion and hatred with open hearts and minds.

Prince of Peace, help us to discover the truth in ourselves so that we can become agents of reconciliation; pour your mercy upon Korea, and likewise on the rest of this troubled world.



Prayer for a world without war from  Yaein Kim, Mirae Elementary School, Seoul, South Korea


I heard that even at this moment there are both large and small-scale conflicts in every corner of the globe. Can you stop wars and let there be peace all around the world?

Lord, You told us to love one another, but we wage wars, I ask you forgive our sins.

God, I also heard that the region of Northeast Asia is a place where long conflicts have continued.

I pray that people repent of their sins so you, dear God, keep peace preventing the dark clouds of war.

Lord, The painful things of the past cannot be repeated again today.

May the wrongdoers first admit that they did something wrong and apologize to the victims! Lead us to only in good ways!

May the region of Northeast Asia be a place of world peace!

We pray in Jesus’ name,



I will finish with A Prayer for Unity, Hope, and Compassion from Dr Jerome Sahabandhu, Mission Theologian in Residence, Global Ministries, UMC.

God of Peace

We come to you amidst the vulnerability and chaos, the isolation and loneliness resulting from Coronavirus. This virus has now become a global crisis. So many have died, so many are still suffering, and so many have lost their loved ones. We yearn for peace in our hearts yet are filled with anxiety.

We also come to you in solidarity with our brothers and sisters in the Korean Peninsula, lamenting the brokenness of war yet hoping for lasting peace and unification. We pray with all People who yearn for their families to be reunited and who long to build one nation. Let that day arrive soon.

Grant thy Peace O God, so that right in the middle of this crisis, we shall have peace in our hearts and homes, cities and villages, churches and temples, nations and cultures.

Remind us once again of the truth that “Blessed are the Peacemakers, for they shall be called Children of God”. We lift all people who day and night work for peace from everywhere to everywhere.

You are the God of Peace.

God of Justice

We bring to You all injustices happening around the world, which is too often filled with greed and profit, poverty and human suffering, marginalization and isolation. Unjust structures have kept human communities apart from each other, denying our oneness and common humanity. Even during this global health crisis, we have seen how vulnerable our communities are, how many do not have a decent living, who live under severe oppression, and who are on constant migration.

We lift up all those who are victims of coronavirus, especially those in the hardest hit regions of Korea and throughout southeast Asia. We praise God that healthcare personnel and leaders were able to flatten the curve of the virus and controlled its spread. We also pray that their wisdom shall be shared globally to eradicate the pandemic.

Give your Justice O God, so that we shall engage in the prophetic and disturbing work of justice. We shall work for justice for our neighbor and justice for the children and justice for the most vulnerable.

Return us to your call that “justice will roll down like waters and righteousness like an overflowing stream”. We earnestly call on you, so that all shall be awakened to the mindfulness of justice and to the heartfulness of mercy.

You are the God of Justice.

God of Compassion, We denounce all forces of hatred and violence, anger and wrath, abuse and division; they are too many. Enough is enough! People are longing for love and grace, compassion and care, connection and solidarity.

In your Compassion look towards us all O God, so that we shall be empowered to be a people of compassion from Korea to Nigeria, from Ireland to Sri Lanka, from America to Taiwan, from everywhere to everywhere. Even as COVID-19 requires mandatory times of social distancing, may we not forget to be compassionate to the people near and far. Give your compassion to all humanity. You are the God of Compassion.

God of Unity, We recall all disunity that we have caused, marked by race and ethnicity, caste and class, political ideologies and geographical boundaries, even gender barriers, even social affiliations. Transform all that divides us.

Bestow your Unity O God, and help us recognize that we are one single humanity. Remind us that our diversity is to be celebrated and cherished, respected and heard. Help us understand that we are one human family called to take care and look after one another. We pray for the countries that are struggling to be united, churches that are thirsting to be together, nations that are yearning to be equal in dignity.

Unity is your gift, so help us to be in unity at all times striving together in community. You are the God of Unity.

God of Hope, We know that amidst crisis you create something new, amidst conflict you create hope, amidst vulnerability you create resilience, amidst darkness you create light, amidst death you create resurrection. Deliver us from the spirit of fear and give us “courage to be”!

Help us to be resilient O God, and empower us to be agents of hope and practitioners of your Good News.

You are the God of Hope, you are the God of a New Life.

God of Life - Lead us to light,

God of Shalom - lead us to peace,

God of People - lead us to unity.


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