Monday, January 10, 2011

2010 Christmas newsletter

Walker old year/new year Update

We hope you had a Happy Christmas and have a Blessed New Year! We trust that 2010 has been a good year for you and your family.
A quick overview of the Walker happenings in 2010
Brett has had a dull year in many ways – mostly the same old stuff happening every week/month. Highlights were walking the Milford track and then doing the Otago rail trail just after Easter (see Sue’s comments for details). Things have gone OK in the church with numbers up on last year which is good. We changed youth worker recently and that hand over is going well with 43 present at one of the last evens for the year. I did a preaching seminar via willow creek and that was fun and trained to do minister reviews and will do my first in February. I Haven’t done much cycling this year but have been going to the gym regularly and even did some swimming again. I turn 50 on January 16th so if you are around come to the party (we won’t say who else turns 50 in 2011)

Sue’s comment is “where has the year gone”! I don’t think it could have passed any quicker. I continue working at EIT 4 days a week in the International Centre at the local Polytech and yes I have managed to have most of my Friday’s off this year. We underwent restructuring at the end of last year so there have been a few changes to get used to. I helped out with Youth Group at church but have decided I won’t play such an active role next year. Instead I will concentrate on Operation Friendship (International Student’s meeting Kiwi friends) group at EIT as well as keeping home and family ticking over. I have attended a couple of patch work classes and continue with my card making which I love. Keeping fit walking the dog and gardening are other high priorities. A highlight for the year apart from the up and coming wedding and welcoming David home was our tramp over the Milford track in April with a group of 18 others from Tauranga . We were so blessed with the weather and only had rain as we boated out from the end of the track. What an amazing part of NZ it is. We head off to the beach on 27 December for a week which will be lovely.

Paul’s exciting news is that he is now engaged to Mary Cummings who he met while studying in Dunedin. Their big day is set for 5 November 2011 in Gisborne on Mary’s family’s orchard. Paul and Mary shifted to Wellington this year from Dunedin and Paul has been attending a Culinary Arts course at WELTEC in Lower Hutt. He also works part time in a new Art Gallery CafĂ©. He has really enjoyed his course and the change from Computers. They will remain in Wellington and hopefully Paul will get a full time job in a Restaurant. Mary works in the Lower Hutt Living & Giving Store and enjoys her work. They will be with us for a couple of days leading up to Christmas and will travel up to Gisborne to share Christmas with Mary’s family.

David started the year in Dunedin but has had a mixed year health wise and made the decision to move home in September. After making the decision he ended up in Hospital with Pneumonia so that really confirmed the earlier decision. He has had a bit of a struggle gaining better health and putting much needed weight on again but a couple of weeks with his Granddad and Grandma in Nelson helped achieve this. With cooked breakfasts and snacks every couple of hours he now looks much more nourished. He has been helping Sue out at EIT with data entry etc a couple of days a week which she is very thankful for. It has helped keep the boredom at bay for David. He has enrolled to continue his Accounting degree next year at EIT. He has taken over the front lounge so has his own space and with a fridge in situ he can keep his coke, snacks and medication on hand. His newest acquisition is a dance program
for his X Box which he enjoys keeping fit with. He also walks the dog sometimes and cooks a couple of meals a week for the family.

Extra family Members. We have had a settled year students wise with Byung Ha Lim (Korean) with us for the first part of the year along with Francisco a lovely Mexican boy for a few months and then Max arrived in June from Germany. He attends the local High School. Darryl and David George have spent their 2nd year with us. Darryl was working for Uptake a fertilizer Company and trying to do a full time Masters in Agribusiness from Massey University at the same time but a month ago decided to stop earning and concentrate on his Masters which has meant a much less frantic life style. David George has just completed his 2nd year of the Bachelor of Nursing Degree at EIT and is heading towards being a paramedic in few years. The boys all get on well together which is a blessing.

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Married with Children. my wonderful wife is Sue. I have 2 sons Paul in Gisborne David In Napier