Monday, March 2, 2009

last years News

A New year’s letter
From Brett and Sue Walker

Paul and David have both left to return to Dunedin after more than a week here in Napier so we finally have the time to write our Christmas/New Year letter and catch up with everyone.
In the beginning of 2007 David went to Dunedin and moved into our house in North east Valley along with some flatmates, then later that year in July Paul finished his Computing degree at EIT and moved in with him. This means it is over 18 months since they have been home together (Paul came back for graduation earlier this year). We had Christmas with them in Nelson last year and since then Sue has been to Nelson to meet them in the middle and see her sister and parents.

It has been a big year for Sue’s family as her mother turned 80 and then her parents had their 50th Wedding anniversary. Sue enjoyed her week in Nelson wining and dining and celebrating with them. That holiday came after a rough year at work with various staff tensions in her team. She enjoys working with the international students but the staff dynamics cause a few grey hairs. After 2 weeks off she is not really looking forward to going back if things don’t change soon. It seems to have been a year of surviving for her, keeping our house and her workplace afloat.

Sue still helps with the church youth group and that has gone well and she helps lead one of music groups. She has developed the Operation Friendship program (mixing International students with Kiwi’s in social settings). She has kept up with her card making and scrapbook classes but doesn’t get much time for these outside class times. She has kept fit by taking part in 2 half marathons (Taupo and HB) and enjoying the occasional tramp plus regularly walking the dog - Misty.

Brett had another year with too many responsibilities. He has been the chair of the Tertiary Chaplaincy trust for 5 years and the Campsite committee for 2 years. This year he added the Napier Food Bank! He also bought the Hastings Christian Bookshop at the end of 2007 so has had a whole year as “Company Director.” Actually He is a director of 2 companies as we turned our Dunedin House into a Company to get better tax advantages. The turnover on the bookshop has increased nicely so that we are in danger of making a profit. He mostly only pays the bills and tells the staff they are doing a good job. He does have to work the odd lunch time or Saturday morning especially when we have had a few staff changes. He likes to ensure that there are good books on the shelf not just the fluff that sells (even if that is what keeps the rent paid).

The other highlight in Brett’s year was his decision to do the Taupo Half Ironman triathlon which he did in Mid December. He was un-enthused by just cycling so thought mixing up some swimming and running with the cycling might keep him active. He said the 2 Km swim in lake Taupo was fine (he had to buy a wetsuit to cope with the cold) but he was ready to get out by the end. The cycle was fine (a bit slow as he had been concentrating on finishing the distance rather than going fast) but by the end of the 90km he was ready to get off the bike. Then there was just the small matter of the run to finish. He developed a sore side early on so decided to just walk the 21km and at least then he would finish (a fast walk is not much slower than his running) . He was pleased that there were a few people behind him (not many). The bonus of this was he got a “spot Prize” of a nights accommodation in Wairakei Hotel. As training Sue and Brett had both done a couple of half marathons (21km) and Brett had tried to ride around lake Taupo (160 km - but had pulled out after 120km as he wasn’t coping with the heat and the hills.)

Through this year we have usually had 3-4 International students in our house as Boarders. This year we had a girl (Emily from new Caledonia), and 3 boys. Isao from Japan had been with us for some of 2007. In the first half of the year we had Lucas from Brazil and John from Korea and in the second half Hannes from Germany and Joo also Korean. Marius from Germany arrived just before Christmas and will be here till mid year. It was great when a couple of them called at Christmas as did a few of those who had stayed in earlier years. They seem to like staying here as they have the run of the upstairs. As long as they can cope with Brett’s cooking (Sue follows recipe so her meals don’t have the same “adventure”). Each of these bring a new set of friends and issues so life is full.

So what does the year ahead hold.
First, we had our 25th Anniversary on January 14th and after that we are going to Whangarei to go diving for a special weeks holiday. At the end of that week we have Brett’s Parents 50th Wedding anniversary in Taupo so that will be a special family gathering. David has started working for a computer company in Dunedin selling computers after a year unemployed. He is thinking of doing a paper in accounting. Paul is working for the same company as David but is thinking of re-enrolling at University (possibly Waikato) to do some more advanced programming rather than the work he is doing selling and repairing computers.

Other than that it will be David’s 21st in July. Brett has been at St Columba’s Taradale for 10 years now, and Sue has worked at EIT for 8 yrs. We like being in our house beside the Park were the dog (Misty) keeps guard and Tara (the cat) sleeps away the days.

Best Wishes to you all. We enjoy catching up with people and you can always find a bed at our place if you are passing by.

Brett & Sue Walker
16a Rata St.
Taradale Napier
ph 06 8442256

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Married with Children. my wonderful wife is Sue. I have 2 sons Paul in Gisborne David In Napier