Thursday, April 9, 2020

Thursday night worship - The last supper, the garden prayer, the Arrest

Thursday , April 9th 2020
This is an image of the Last Supper as if it were held on Zoom during lockdown

Order of service for Thursday
If you want to click on some of the links you can do them individually or one video should automatically follow the other.

On the Thursday we remember the Story of Jesus:

His last meal with his disciples (the Last supper) a Celebration of the Passover            
       - Read Matt 26:17-30 or watch and listen

His praying in the garden of Gethsemane.  Watch and Listen
His arrest and first trial before the Jewish leaders and Peters denial
First Trial Matt 26:57-67 
 Peters denial of Jesus- Matt 26:69-75  or watch and listen  

As an alternative you can watch an animated telling of the story
from the Jesus story book story 

Listen to this poem / Song – When you prayed beneath the trees

There is no sermon today but if you want to watch a video of the story of Matthews gospel you can watch this as it puts the crucifixion in the wider context of Jesus Struggle with the religious leaders.  Watch here

Final HYMN


 Listen to  Lauren Daigle - How Can It Be  

This is an all-age 3 day reflection on the Cross and resurrection
Day one  The Grave (Friday evening)
Day 2  The Sabbath (Saturday)
Day 3  The Garden (Sunday)
I highly recommend these resources 

Ministers  all the people   Parish contact details   
Church office Will be unstaffed but Anna will answer emails for all needs or questions Phone Brett Walker
Home    06 8442256       Mobile  0274083658


Make a Cross
 You may want to prepare for Good Friday by making a Paper Cross (or if you have Palm leaves you can use those)
To make a cross you may enjoy folding a strip of paper like this –
  1. Take a long strip of paper and make a 45 degree fold so the top third of the paper points towards the left.
  2. Take this end of the paper and fold it behind (mountain fold) and towards the right.
  3. Fold the paper back towards the left. Make sure the folds are straight so you don't cinch the centre portion of the cross.

  4. Loop the end of the paper towards the right and then back towards the centre of the cross.
  5. Adjust the loop so the left and right side are even. Press down to flatten the paper. This makes the left and right arms of the cross.
  6. Fold down the arms of the cross. A white, central square should be visible.
  7. Take the bottom end of the paper strip and weave it through the centre of the cross.

  1. Pull through completely. Once this is done, the model is quite stable and will not unravel.
  2. Bring the end of the paper back towards the centre of the cross and weave it through again.
  3. Pull through but leave enough paper so it makes the top part of the cross. This part should be slightly longer that the right and left arms of the cross.
  4. Bring the paper back up BEHIND the model and weave the end through the centre part of the cross. If necessary, cut off excess paper.

  1. Pull through as much as necessary to make a nicely proportioned cross. You can leave the arms of the cross slightly rounded, or press them down flat. Done!
Thanks to Rev Nicki Ward- Watkins for this description

Friday, April 3, 2020

St Columba's worship for Palm Sunday April 5th 2020

Sunday, April 5th 2020
Palm Sunday

Good morning!
Welcome to our Second week in lockdown.

We hope you have experienced the presence of God in your life this week.  Our two readings for this week show a Praise and worship service in the street (Jesus entry in Jerusalem) and Woman having an encounter with Jesus beside a well where He says the place you worship is less important than who you worship.

We invite you to have your bible beside you for the service, and then take a moment to remember the Presence of God is with you. 
Maybe you could light a candle as a sign that you are entering this more deliberate sacred time and or find something beautiful to look at like a flower, a picture, a view out the window to remember God as Creator and the giver of Good gifts.

Call to worship

Feel welcome to dwell in the words below, to read them several times if it helps you to engage with them more deeply.  Note what is happening with your breathing.  Can you slow it down and still yourself as part of your preparation for this time with God?

We are pausing to acknowledge the presence of God in our lives.
We are meeting as part of a church community, this week we are a scattered community.
We are stilling ourselves, our fears, our anxieties, and all the distracting things around us, to seek and delight in God’s presence with us.  Let us worship God!

Our words to focus this time of worship
 inspired by Psalm 118
 Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good!
    His faithful love endures forever.
 Let all Israel repeat:   “His faithful love endures forever.”
 Let all who fear the Lord repeat:
    “His faithful love endures forever.”
 In my distress I prayed to the Lord,
    and the Lord answered me and set me free.
 The Lord is for me, so I will have no fear.
    What can mere people do to me?
 Yes, the Lord is for me; he will help me.

Our prayer – Inspired by Psalm 118

The Psalm writer called you good for he saw your faithfulness touch every area of his life.  You answered his prayer.
He saw the threats of others fail.
He saw defeat turned into victory.
He saw exclusion become welcome.
And we to have seen your goodness
We may not have our usual freedom to roam but we have warm houses.  
We may be missing out on our flat whites and cafe visits
But we have plenty of good food to eat and things to drink.
So in this moment we pause to count the blessings we have.
Why don’t each of us say  2 things we are grateful for.

God, Jesus taught us to look to you to be the centre of our lives – He told us to pray for your kingdom and your glory
He Taught us to pray for your forgiveness, provision, guidance and protection – so we will say the prayer he taught us
Our Father who is in heaven, Hallowed by your name
Your Kingdom come your will be done,
On earth as it is in heaven
Give us this day our Daily bread
Forgive us our Trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil
For yours is the power and the Glory, forever and ever Amen.

If you are with others share your highs and lows for the week. If you are doing this with just you and God, pause and ponder the things of your week that you are grateful for:  the people you know and love, the company you have shared….

Don’t forget the low points – what have you struggled with this week?

Opening Song  (Click the underlined words to listen on youtube)
Sing Hosanna
Or watch this one which has great Palm Sunday images

 Hosanna hosanna hosanna in the highest
Hosanna hosanna Hosanna in the highest
Lord we lift up Your name
With hearts full of praise
Be exalted oh Lord my God
Hosanna in the highest

Glory glory glory to the King of Kings
Glory glory glory to the King of Kings
Lord we lift up Your name
With hearts full of praise
Be exalted oh Lord my God
Glory to the King of Kings                  
Written by: Carl Tuttle
Bible Readings:


If you click the under-lined you can hear Steve Demetrius read the scriptures

Watch Dylan and Zoe tell the story of Palm Sunday with this video they made

If you want a kid’s activity you can follow Abbie as she makes a palm branch you can make at home.  If you have a teddy bear in your window – why not make a few palm branches for your bears.

Brett’s Ponderings
Something just don’t seem normal.  Worshipping at home is one. No being part of a community where we see each other.  Does Our Bible readings have anything to say to us today?

Both readings focus on the question of who is Jesus?
The woman at the well in John 4 wonders if he is a prophet and asks questions about the right place to worshipthe Holy place on Mt Jerusalem or the one on Mt Gerasim? Jesus replies the place doesn’t matter – it is who you worship (v23) and how you worship (v24) are what matters.
During this lockdown we have been discovering that while a church building offers many advantages they are not crucial for our worship.  God is not confined to a building or special location but is with us wherever we go.
Many of us have had moments when God seemed very real and close, perhaps like me they were beside a river or in an office or in a hospital ward. (maybe you could recall and share some of the times when God felt close to you?)  Often my moments where not when things were going well but when I or someone was in turmoil and we needed God to come through. God is indeed with us in the storm. AS Jesus said as the last words in Matthew “I will be with you to the end of the age.”
Jesus tells this woman that knowing WHO God is is far more important than where we worship
 The time is coming and is already here, when by the power of God's Spirit people will worship the Father as he really is, offering him the true worship that he wants.. John 4:23 (good news)
Other versions translate the key words as “true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth” 
How do you answer the WHO question about God? Do you think he is a God who causes suffering, or is indifferent to it? Some posts on the internet suggest God is leaving us alone to face the consequences of our greed and injustice.  But Palm Sunday shows a God who rides into the epicentre of selfish pride and human power to bring the love and mercy of God not leave us alone.

Yet those who observed that day were placing their own thoughts and understandings on Jesus.  In verse 9 we read  
The crowds walking in front of Jesus and those walking behind began to shout, “Praise to David's Son! God bless him who comes in the name of the Lord! Praise be to God!”
They were quoting Psalm 118 which is a Messianic Psalm of ascent.  They were hoping for a King to ride in and defeat the enemies and re-establish Israel’s autonomy.  But the enemy Jesus came to defeat was neither the Romans or the ruling elite but the selfishness and sin of every person, because these left us in the grip of guilt and evil and alienate us from God.
Despite the crowds throwing down their garments and cutting palm branches to wave (Someone said Kings didn’t walk on the dirt) and the use of Psalm 118 not everybody knew what was going on as you read in v 10 and 11. 
When Jesus entered Jerusalem, the whole city was thrown into an uproar. “Who is he?” the people asked. “This is the prophet Jesus, from Nazareth in Galilee,” the crowds answered.
So some thought of him as a conquering King, others a Prophet, few, if any, recognised him as the saviour and the suffering servant (Isaiah 52-53). 
·        I am with you in lockdown
·        I am with you in sickness
·        I am with you in the midst of financial hardship
·        I am with you when you don’t understand me
·        I come to you when you are sinful and undeserving
How can you show someone in need that you are there for them?
How can you pray and support them at this time?
How can you deepen your worship so that it is in Spirit and Truth?.

 Is there other connections between your bible readings and message and your highs and lows for the week?
·       Was there a word, sentence, or phrase that stood out to you in the readings today?

Pray for those who shared their highs and lows giving thanks for the blessings and asking for God’s help with the struggles.

A further Prayer
 Written   by Yvonne Laing
Palm Sunday Prayer April 5th 
Almighty God, as we come to you in prayer, help us to still ourselves and focus on Your loving presence. As we do so we thank you that, although at this time, we are separated in our life-saving bubbles, we are still very much together in spirit.
We remember how, on that first Palm Sunday, the crowds waved branches and welcomed Jesus as the king who would deliver them. They shouted “Hosanna!  meaning “Save us now!”
Now today as we celebrate Palm Sunday, our world is also facing a huge challenge. People, are anxious and seeking deliverance from COVID19. We ask you to help those who are paralysed by their anxiety. Help them to lift their focus from their fear and look to you our God who understands and cares, and is able to bring calm in the midst of this storm.  
With grateful hearts, we lift before you all our leaders, and their advisors, both nationally and locally, who are working so hard and sacrificially to guide us through these challenging times. Keep them safe we pray. Empower them with your wisdom and guidance.  
We pray for all the “front line” people who are working to keep us safe. Lord, in your mercy protect and strengthen them we pray. Equip them with the knowledge and provisions to keep safe from harm. May they feel valued and supported.
Oh God keep us from greed or self-centredness. Give us an understanding of other people’s situations. Help us all to adapt;  to share safely and generously, and to encourage one another in the power of your love.
We pray for all young people. Keep them alert and safe. Help them to fully understand and take on board the advice they are being given. May they continue to blossom even within their confinement.
Lord at this time of lockdown we lift before you all families. Some are under stress with new babies or young children who do not understand what is happening.
We pray for the elderly, the unemployed, those living alone, the disabled and their caregivers. We think of the bereaved and those unable to sit with their loved ones during their final hours or to farewell them as they would like to. May their hearts be filled with your peace that passes all human understanding.   
We also recognise that there are many in our world for whom sickness is the norm, scarcity of resources is a continual hardship, and persecution or dislocation brings daily challenges.  Let us not forget them Lord but rather, give us generous hearts, and commitment as we support the agencies trying to help them. May they too know your deep love compassion and empowerment for each day.

We thank you that even in these times of isolation, we can still discover and develop our God – given talents and develop our relationships.   Thank you for this opportunity to learn and grow in ways we never thought possible, nor had time for.  
 As we follow the events of  Easter week with the joyful celebrations of Palm Sunday, the isolation and abandonment that Christ felt as he was betrayed, and crucified; and the anxiety and confusion felt by the disciples as they mourned the death of their leader, help us to hold on to the joy and promise of the resurrection with its’ abundant and everlasting life.  
Thankyou that you have given us a treasure which transcends any pain, isolation, illness or loss. For in the midst of any challenges we may face, you are able to give us a deep peace and Joy which passes all earthly understanding Lift our eyes and our hearts to You with anticipation, as we claim your promise that You will never leave or forsake us and you will supply all our needs. Hosanna and thank you! AMEN.

Final HYMN
We close reading, praying or singing the hymn:
Click the underlined words

The Heart of Worship 

When the music fades
All is stripped away
And I simply come
Longing just to bring
Something that's of worth
That will bless Your heart
I'll bring You more than a song, for a song in itself
Is not what You have required
You search much deeper within through the way things appear
You're looking into my heart

I'm coming back to the heart of worship
And it's all about You, all about You, Jesus
I'm sorry, Lord, for the thing I've made it
When it's all about You, all about You, Jesus

King of endless worth
No one could express how much You deserve
Though I'm weak and poor
All I have is Yours, every single breath
I'll bring You more than a song, for a song in itself
Is not what You have required
You search much deeper within through the way things appear
You're looking into my heart

I'm coming back to the heart of worship
And it's all about You, all about You, Jesus
I'm sorry, Lord, for the thing I've made it
When it's all about You, all about You, Jesus

Say this to one another – (and yourself)

The Lord bless you and keep you;
May the Lord be kind and gracious to you;
the Lord look upon you with favour and give you peace.
Numbers 6:24ff

Go now in peace, Go now in peace. May the love of God surround you, Everywhere, everywhere, you may go.


Help during the health crisis:  We are wanting to be able to offer help where we can and where it is needed.  For example, this might be to pick up some groceries and leave them at the door of someone who feels unable to be in contact with people at that time.  It might be a ride to an appointment.  If you wish your name to go onto a list of those willing to help please let anyone Brett or the church office know.  Please note - in order to protect everyone, you must be in good health yourself to be involved in this.
  The Prayer Team: If you or someone you know would benefit from having some prayer support we have a prayer chain so please feel free to send your requests to and the team will spring into action. (You can be assured of confidentiality). 

Zoom Meeting after worship (BYO cuppa and chat)

We are having a get together on Zoom on Sunday after worship at 10:30am.
You can also use your regular phone and dial in the numbers below and add the meeting id when asked.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 953 292 967
Password: 018936

+6448860026,,953292967# New Zealand

Dial by your location
        +64 4 886 0026 New Zealand

Ministers  all the people   Parish contact details   
Church office Will be unstaffed but Anna will answer emails for all needs or questions Phone Brett Walker
Home    06 8442256       Mobile  0274083658

 TV and Online services on Sunday
St Columba’s
Look for the link on the church facebook page
Other online and TV Church  services
·         Presbyterian moderator of NZ devotions 9am on Sunday – Right Reverend Fakaofo Kaio
·         TV One   8am   Praise be   or    9am on Tv1 plus 1
·         TV three    8:30am David Jeremiah Turning point

·         Shine TV Sundays
8am – Tak Bhana-  running with fire - Auckland Church
9am – Paul De Jong – Life church – Auckland Church
11.05  David Jeremiah – a good bible teacher
6 pm 30 minutes of Gaither gospel
7pm 30 minutes songs of praise

Radio rhema   99.1 FM
LifeFm – more modern music   93.5 FM
Southern Star – more traditional music    909am 

A Prayer-Reflection, by Eddie Askew
Sometimes I feel like a donkey Lord.
Overburdened. Not very bright. Taken for granted.
There’s always room on my back for one more burden... or so people think.
Sometimes they dangle a carrot in front of me, to encourage me to do more.
Sometimes they show me a stick ... still I go plodding on.
But when I think about it, that’s often the way I treat people too.
Unthinking. Unfeeling. Just assuming they are there.
Before I get too sorry for myself, I need to remember your donkey.
Tied up. Doing nothing. Until your call came. Its good to be needed; to know my efforts aren’t all wasted.
That you can untie knots, free me, use me.
And what a use!
God’s son sitting on my back, wanting to use me.
Forgive me Lord for the times I see that as a burden, instead of a glorious privilege.
Forgive me for wishing you’d get on with things without my help and leave me quietly chewing the hay.
Yet I’m glad you need me, want to use me. It makes me feel valued.
There are limits though. The donkey can only do so much.
There came a time Lord, just a few days after that ride, when it wasn’t the donkey taking the strain.
It was you carrying the weight. On the cross.
Taking the burden of a world gone wrong.
Taking responsibility for all its sin.
Our sin; my sin.
Carrying it all, carrying me,
to the gates of your kingdom. You needed a donkey Lord, just for a time.
I need you Lord ... Always


Thanks for stopping by and reading this. You will find links to St Columba's services, helpful information and a few more personal thoughts.

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Married with Children. my wonderful wife is Sue. I have 2 sons Paul in Gisborne David In Napier