Tuesday, August 8, 2017

What do you find hard in Prayer?

What do you find hard about Prayer?

1.       Q.           Is God really interested in me?
A.      The Lord’s Prayer starts “Our Father in heaven”  in Luke  11 Jesus goes on to say that God is even better than the best human father.  This is why we start with praying with  worship or adoration because we remember who it is we are praying to – A God who is both “Father” but also to be respected (“Hallowed be your Name”)

2.       Q.           Are my concerns worth bothering God with?
A.      The Lord’s prayer says “Give us this day our daily bread”

3.       Q. What happens when God says “wait or no” – or seems completely silent?
A.      The Lord ’s Prayer says “your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.”  This reminds us that we are not God, and that while we are invited to bring our cares we have to trust that our Loving God knows what is best. 

4.       Q.           Is prayer really a 2 way conversation?
A.      The Lord’s Prayer hints at this when it says “forgive us our sins even as we forgive others who have sinned against us.”  John 10:27 says “my sheep hear my voice..”

Prayer is about relationship

Prayer is about relationship 

Here is a Multi choice question:  
 What was the primary reason Brett decided to marry his wife Sue.
1.       1.She is very attractive and he liked to look at her.
2.       2. She is an excellent housekeeper and would clean up after his messes.
3.       3. She would be a brilliant mother.
4.       4.  He wanted to spend the rest of his life with her as friends and to try and make her happy.

All 4 are true but obviously the 4th is the Primary reason.
So why when it comes to prayer do we admire God from a distance, or focus on what he can do for us or others.  God invites us into friendship – let’s take some time and pray.

A five fold pattern of Prayer based on the Lord’s Prayer.

A five fold pattern of Prayer based on the Lord’s Prayer.
If you want to pray for 5 minutes – maybe you can spend a minute (or more) praying using the Lord’s Prayer as a pattern.
1.  Start with adoration – remember who you are speaking with, and give God thanks for the blessings you have received.  “Our Father in heaven, Hallowed by your name.”
2  2.  Ask for God’s perspective on the things you are praying for (this might be a good time to read some scripture and consider what it has to say about your concerns.  This also means being willing to be a part of the answer to your own prayers.  Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.”
3   3.       Tell God about your concerns for yourself and others.  We call this petition and intercession. “Give us this day our daily bread.”
4   4.        Talk to God about your relationships – Not just the things you want for yourself and others but the relationships themselves.  Reflect on whether you have done things God calls sin and hurt your relationships, and as you ask for forgiveness for your sins – be willing to offer that same forgiveness to others.   “Forgive us our trespasses, as we also have forgiven those who trespass against us.”  It
may be worth googling the “daily examen” as a good way to reflect on your past actions and relationships.
5  5.      Commit your day and your future into God’s hands.  What challenges and opportunities has God given you in the day to come? What threats might be coming?  Ask God for guidance and strength to face them.  “Lead us not into temptation,  but deliver us from evil.”

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

I am Zechariah

I am Zechariah

I am Zechariah
I am waiting, waiting, waiting
Trusting in God's promises but surprised when they come true

I am Zechariah
A person who serves God
Yet unspectacularly -
Fulfilling my role
Doing what is right

I am Zechariah
Full of hopes and dreams
Dreams of a child
Dreams of a better world

I am Zechariah
Wondering when my time will come

I am Zechariah
Amazed and in awe for I have met God

I am Zechariah
Who knows it is true that God is tender hearted and merciful

I am Zechariah
Whose son will be a prophet of the Most High God and point the way to the Messiah and prepare his path

I am Zechariah

Are you Zechariah?
Waiting, waiting, waiting
Trusting in God's promises but surprised when they come true

Are you Zechariah?
A person who serves God
Yet unspectacularly -
Fulfilling your role
Doing what is right

Are you Zechariah?
Full of hopes and dreams
Dreams of new life
Dreams of a better world

Are you Zechariah?
Wondering when your time will come

Are you Zechariah?
Amazed and in awe for you have met God

Are you Zechariah?
Who knows it is true that God is tender hearted and merciful

Are you Zechariah?
Who will shape the life of another who will speak for the Most High God and point the way to the Messiah and prepare his path

Are you Zecharia?

Based on the Prophecy of Zechariah in Luke chapter 1 
Dec 2105


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Married with Children. my wonderful wife is Sue. I have 2 sons Paul in Gisborne David In Napier