Saturday, July 25, 2020

The Parable of the soils

The Parable of the Sower, the Seed and the Soils
Bible readings
·         Isaiah 55:10-13
·         Matt 13:1-9, 18-23
One of the challenges of being a minister is you talk a lot – but I  wonder who is listening and how well they are listening.  I estimate I have preached over 1000 sermons here at St Columba’s and for what effect?  Jesus was speaking every day to crowds and in synagogues and he knew some people will listen, some might get if for a while but then give up, and some will be truly get the message and be transformed by it.  He wanted us to know that that is normal and to seek to be a part of that later group.
God has a purpose for his word – like a farmer who plants a seed –they are looking for a harvest and God is as well – Speaking God’s word is a hope-filled exercise.  Speaking God’s word is rooted in God’s extravagant love, his wisdom and his power.  It is not primarily about our skill or oratory or wisdom but God’s word accomplishing the purpose for which God sent it.
Isaiah 55:11
“My word that goes out from my mouth:  It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.”
So what is the Purpose of the word of God
There are many scriptures we could look at but I have chosen 3 for today
1.       God speaks to strengthen, encourage and comfort.  
“The one who prophesies speaks to people for their strengthening, encouraging and comfort.” 1 Corinthians 14:3
2.       God speaks so we can know him correctly and what God wants from us
 “All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching the truth, rebuking error, correcting faults, and giving instruction for right living,  so that the person who serves God may be fully qualified and equipped for every good deed.” 2 Timothy 3:16-17
·         God speaks for our transformation
“let God transform you inwardly by a complete change of your mind. Then you will be able to know the will of God—what is good and is pleasing to him and is perfect. Romans 12:1-2
Yet there are barriers to the word being effective at comforting, equipping and transforming us.

The Message of Kingdom of God challenges our attentiveness -The Seed that falls along the Path 
One of my frustrations in visiting sometimes is when people are watching television and leave it on – or sometimes they turn the volume down but you know they are not giving their full attention. I too can be easily distracted. You see this at cafes where someone is talking but the other person is looking at their phone.  Sometimes God wants to speak to us and we are disinterested, distracted or deliberately deaf.  This Jesus describes this as seed that falls on the hard path and birds (the evil one) comes and eats the seed.  The message doesn’t get into our hearts and minds at all. .  Is your heart and mind open at all to eh idea of God speaking, and bringing his kingdom here.

The Message of Kingdom of God challenges our assumptions – The seed that falls on rocky soil. In this part of the field, the plough has not done its job. It hasn’t broken the soil to allow the seed of the kingdom of God to take deep root. When I think of the Pharisees and the Sadducees I think of those who have fixed ideas about how God ought to work and they wouldn’t recognise Jesus as God’s messiah and Son.  I think of people who think God ought to answer their prayers and make life easy for them and keep them from all trouble or persecution as if the message of the Kingdom is about them and their happiness rather than about God’s rule. They are disappointed when troubles or hardships come.  Yes, Gods word bring comfort an encouragement but also correction of faults and instruction for right living.  Is your mind fixed on what you believe or do you have a curiosity and openness for God to speak?

The Message of Kingdom of God challenges our other loves.  The seed that fell among the weeds.
I am reminded of when I first came to Taradale and John Alexander took me for a tour of Patoka and past his old farm (Emerald Hill).  He was disturbed that there was blackberry on some of the fences, which was never there in his days. Weeds are competitors for the good plants you want to grow.  Jesus describes worries about this life, and the love of riches as the weeds that can choke out the word of God and stop God’s kingdom flourishing in our lives. 
Why don’t we see much transformation, much equipping for every good work because the word of the Kingdom is competing with our other loves. I got a message from someone who is not coming back to church for a while- they are following their love for sport. It is not that they were disinterested or disappointed, rather they are a dabbler in many things, and someone with divided attention.  Jesus in teaching about the kingdom said we are to make the kingdom  our priority “seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.  (Matt 6:33)  These other concerns have a place but are not supposed to be our top priority.  Does your schedule have time for God to speak and for you to respond when he does?

The Message of Kingdom of God produces life change.  The seed that falls on good soil.
I was interested why this parable is usually called the parable for the sower when it really about the soils.  The sower has the same hopes that his seeds will produce a harvest in all his listeners.  He is lavish with his sowing to all corners of his field and even onto the path. And it is good seed.  The thing that is different is the soils.  The good thing about the good soil is that it produces and amazing harvest many times more than was planted.  Some 100 fold some 60 some 30 but all far more than the original seed.
A person who needs encouragement and comfort finds that in the word of the Kingdom – there is a king who loves us, includes us, and takes care of us.  This message can be life changing.
A Person who want to know what God really is like and what God wants of us finds instruction in the message of the Kingdom and there is growth in knowledge and Character. We live listening to the Kings voice, following the king’s example, allowing the word of GOD and the Spirit of God to enable us to do what God calls us to do.  The word of God changes us and makes us fruitful.
A person seeking life change and transformation finds that as they allow the message of the kingdom to work in their lives they become more like the king.  We know what God wants and we are given the power to be changed and to actually do it by his grace at work in our lives.

How do we have good soil? – can we make sure that God’s word finds a heart and a mind prepared.
It can be as simple as blocking out some time to read and study and mediate on a scripture.  (doing some weeding)
It might help to say a simple prayer – “God I open my heart and mind to listen and I invite you to speak to me.” (doing some ploughing.)
I like the Talk the Word method
1.       Read passage (Perhaps twice)
  1.  Retell as much as you can from Memory
                * If possible find someone to listen and prompt you  Talk the Word method
3.      Ask yourself these Questions
a) What jumped out at you from the passage?
b) What questions do you have the passage?
c) What does it teach us about humanity?
d) What does it teach us about the God?
e) How can this passage be applied to our lives?

Listen to the HYMN  Ancient words

Holy words long preserved
for our walk in this world,
They resound with God's own heart
Oh, let the Ancient words impart.

Words of Life, words of Hope
Give us strength, help us cope
In this world, where e'er we roam
Ancient words will guide us Home.

Ancient words ever true
Changing me, and changing you.
We have come with open hearts
Oh let the ancient words impart.

Holy words of our Faith
Handed down to this age.
Came to us through sacrifice
Oh heed the faithful words of Christ.

Holy words long preserved
For our walk in this world.
They resound with God's own heart
Oh let the ancient words impart.

Saturday, July 11, 2020

What is the big idea of Christianity? Mark 1:14-15

What is the big idea of Christianity? 
Bible readings
Mark 1:14-20 

Daniel 2:36-45

 What is the big idea of Christianity?
  1. ·         We ought to try harder at loving God and loving our neighbor
  2. ·         Forgiveness from the past is ours through the death of Jesus?
  3. ·         We have a home in heaven when we die through the resurrection of Jesus?
  4. ·         God is nice and He likes you!
Each of these has a grain of truth in them but I don’t think any of them are the big idea.
When Jesus came preaching in Mark 1 he announced what he stood for – his big idea – That the Kingdom of God was present or at hand.  That the future the Jews had longed for was at hand – now is the time.  God is at work in a new way not sometime in the future but here and now in Jesus.
The right time has come,” he said, “and the Kingdom of God is near! Turn away from your sins and believe the Good News!”  Mark 1:15
Jesus was saying D Day had arrived.  God had established a beachhead with Jesus’ coming and the forces that apposed Justice and peace, the forces of selfishness and self-interest were coming under attack.  The insurgency had begun.
Jesus does not go deeply into what the Kingdom of God was like as Jews already had a good idea from the Old Testament.

The word kingdom is often used for the realm and reign of an earthly power.  The story from our Old Testament reading from Daniel speaks of 4 Kingdoms from the Babylonian, the Medo Persian, the Greek and the Roman, but also of a kingdom from heaven:  the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be destroyed.”  Daniel 2:44

The Psalms and many other scriptures speak of the Reign of God (Kingdom of God.)
Eg  Psalm 97:1 The Lord Reigns, and the earth is happy. All the faraway lands are happy.
(See also 1 Chronicles 16:30-32,Psalm 9:7-8, Psalm 93:1, Psalm 96:10, Psalm 99:1-2 Isaiah 24:23
“The Lord is king Psalm 22:28 The Lord is king, and he rules the nations. Also Ps 103:19 Ps 145:11

The idea that the Messiah would institute God’s reign is also crucial to Old Testament ideas.  At Christmas we often read Isaiah 9:6-7  A child is born to us! …  And he will be our ruler. He will be called, “Wonderful counselor,”  “Mighty God,” “Eternal Father,”  “Prince of Peace.” His royal power will continue to grow;    his kingdom will always be at peace. He will rule as King David's successor,   basing his power on right and justice, from now until the end of time.
We note that God’s reign is described as eternal, marked by Justice and righteousness, and peace.

When Jesus announced the Kingdom of God was at hand he was saying the realm of heaven and earth now overlapped.  As we pray in the Lord’s prayer “May our kingdom come and your will be done on Earth as it is in heaven.

And Jesus is the point of overlap  - the man from heaven. Who brings God’s presence and power and will to earth.
In Jesus the presence of God is displayed. The will of God is enacted. He is the embodiment of the Kingdom of God – he is God’s ruling presence.

This big idea of Christianity because it tells us two things summed up in Our response to repent and believe.  If it is true – that God is present and establishing his kingdom now then things can ever be the same. Peter and Andrew, James ad John were right to leave their nets and follow Jesus.
The response Jesus called for was to repent – which literally means change your thinking.

1.       God is not too far away to help us. Forgiveness, grace, wisdom is here in Jesus. We are now God’s Beloved Children and citizens of his Kingdom when we turn to him in with repentance and faith.
Last year Sue’s mother who is in her 90’s went to hospital and Sue felt powerless to do much because she was here but her mother was in Nelson.  She felt much better when she could be there to help.  The Story of Jesus in the gospels shows God healing the sick, feeding the hungry, giving acceptance and belonging to outcasts and sinners.  Even in Jesus death on the cross we see God helping us knowing that when we do our very worst Jesus still forgives.  Our new thinking starts by understanding our identity as citizens of God’s Kingdom, the children of God, or to use the Phrase Paul might say we are in Christ (2 Cor 5:17).  

2.       God is not too far away to understand us.   I have to admit I do not understand some Americans refusal to wear masks or take this virus seriously and socially distance.  Or why people in NZ would break out of quarantine.  I do not understand the turmoil in Hong Kong or even what my sister is going through in Melbourne at the moment.  However, if I was there and listened I would understand.  If heaven has invaded earth in the presence of Jesus, we know God understands – not just because he is God but because he is here with us. He is not only understanding but also full of wisdom and power – If Jesus is the King and he knows what I am facing – then I can ask him anything, and follow the leading of his Spirit.  If I am a citizen of the kingdom then I have access to the King, and the king will direct me to respond as he sees fit as he understands situations far better than I do. 

The story is told of the famous tightrope walker Charles Blondin crossing the Niagara River in 1859. He walked across blindfolded, another time with a wheelbarrow and another time with his manager on his back. Apparently he asked if anyone believed he could take someone across inside his wheelbarrow but why everyone cheered saying they believed he could they were not willing to risk their own lives by being the one to get in the Barrow.

The announcement that the Kingdom of God is present in the person of Jesus – is not just a call to change our thinking but also to believe – which means not intellectual assent to the idea but getting in the barrow. 
We are not only beloved Children & citizens of the kingdom but also empowered agents of the Kingdom.  We are little Christ’s – embodiment's of the kingdom, little intersections of heaven and earth.
Where we submit to God and show love - there is the kingdom of God, when we speak God’s word of forgiveness and grace – there is the Kingdom.
When we act for peace and justice – not because these are causes but because these are the overflow of our faith our response to the kingship of Jesus then there is the Kingdom.

There is a video on youtube that introduces the idea of the kingdom of God really well
There is also a couple of songs we will sing on sunday


Thanks for stopping by and reading this. You will find links to St Columba's services, helpful information and a few more personal thoughts.

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Married with Children. my wonderful wife is Sue. I have 2 sons Paul in Gisborne David In Napier