Sunday, April 19, 2020

Worship for April 19th 2020

Sunday, April 19th 2020

(If you want to watch the whole service via Youtube clicking on this opening link will start it automatically otherwise choose the elements you want to include.  All the links to videos should be underlined)
Sometimes having to endure the restrictions of lockdown are getting tiresome and we just want to go out or buy the things we need or see our friends and not being able to do that raises questions about what we are enduring and questions about why God is allowing all this.

We invite you to have your bible beside you for the service, and then take a moment to remember The presence of God is with you. 

Callto worship

Jesus you come to us when we have doubts.
All the disciples doubted, even Thomas to whom you showed your hands and side.
Jesus you come to us when we have fears
 The disciples were hiding behind locked doors and you spoke to them words of Peace.
 Jesus you come to us when we feel alone.
Lockdown is no barrier to you for you enter our bubble to announce Good news – God loves us , He has forgiven us, He is with us, there is hope because we serve a risen savior.
ALL – so let us worship God
Thank you God that you do not turn us away when we fail – but you sent Jesus to be our rescuer, our saviour.  To show us from the cross that even our crucifying him would not stop God loving us or forgiving us.
So thank you that we can bring not just our sins to you but also our questions and doubts.
Thank you for the story of Thomas whose doubts didn’t offend you but in love you reached out your hands inviting him to touch for himself.
We bring to you not only our gratitude for the Good things we have experienced but also our troubles and questions.
So thank you for your openness and love

so we will say the prayer Jesus taught us
Our Father who is in heaven, Hallowed by your name
Your Kingdom come your will be done,
On earth as it is in heaven
Give us this day our Daily bread
Forgive us our Trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil
For yours is the power and the Glory, forever and ever Amen.
Delight & Awe
If you are with others share your highs and lows for the week. If you are doing this with just you and God, pause and ponder the things of your week that you are grateful for:  the people you know and love, the company you have shared….

Don’t forget the low points – what have you struggled with this week?

Opening Song  (Click the underlined words)
Did you know in the 1900’s people doubted airplanes could ever fly or that people could run a mile in under 4 minutes – that was until those things happened.  If People doubt the resurrection, we should not be surprised because it is not an everyday occurrence.

Bible Readings:

John20:19-35 a Lumo play/reading
 & Acts2:22-35 read by Amy Argent

 Brett’s Message
Are you more like bold Peter preaching to the crowds or a doubting Thomas?
I am a little of both.  The thing that caused me to doubt this week was reading the Resurrection Stories in Matthew I wondered why there were not quotes from the Old Testament.  During the birth stories and Jesus death Matthew has many references to the old Testament but none in Chapter 28.
Why that was lead me to do my own research and find several quotes other NT writers use like Psalm 16:10 or Dan 12:2-3 but also to a thought from William lane Craig who said that a sceptic might think if there were lots of clear references to the resurrection in the OT that the gospel writers would have taken those verses and “created” a resurrection story, whereas the lack of many verses adds credibility to the doubt and the thing that convinced them Jesus was alive was their experience of the risen Christ.
Questions and Doubts like mine are good when they lead you to do the research and take responsibility for our own faith rather than just trusting the story told to you by some preacher or your parents.
The other good news from our readings are everybody doubts sometimes.
John the Baptist doubter in Matt 11.  Many disciples doubted and walked away in John 6.  Thomas doubts in John 10 and also many other of the disciples.  Matt 28;17 reminds us that even after the appearances of Jesus some doubter.
The good news all these doubters found evidence that worked for them
John the Baptist was told to look at the evidence of God’s power at work.
Peter and John were convinced by an empty tomb. Thomas was convinced by seeing with his own eyes and touching Jesus with his own hands.  And we and many have been convinced by finding these first eye witnesses as credible witnesses.
WE find them trustworthy witnesses because they were changed by he experience for fearful to courageous, and no one would die as a martyr as most disciples did if they knew it was a lie.
 They are credible witness because we see them as frail doubters.  If they were making up the story you would imagine they would show themselves in a better light.
Like them our questions are good if we take the opportunity to learn and grow.
We can look at the evidence we see for ourselves but sometimes we need to trust others.  I was reading about Frank Morrison who like Lee Strobel and others set out to prove Christianity false and the resurrection a hoax.  He was convinced by the evidence and became a Christian.
My wife wants us to buy a Nissan Leaf for our next car.  I am ok with that as though I have never driven one she has and I trust her judgement.  Sometimes the evidence for God being at work is not in my own experience but in others.  Sometimes the evidence I seen by looking backwards.  I may not notice God is working in the moment but often as I look back I can see God’s hand in all sorts of ways.

It seems to me that the resurrection is not only well proven but the resurrection proves a number of other things.
1.      That Jesus is a trustworthy teacher. He taught that he would die and be raised.  If he wasn’t raised why would  we believe anything else.
2.     He is proved to be the song of God - “as to his divine holiness, he was shown with great power to be the Son of God by being raised from death.   Romans 1:4
3.     The resurrection proves Jesus has defeated sin and death. Fear not, I am the first and the last, and the living one. I died, and behold I am alive forevermore,
and I have the keys of Death and Hades.   Rev 1:17-18
As Romans 8:38-39  says  “I am certain that nothing can separate us from his love: neither death nor life, neither angels nor other heavenly rulers or powers, neither the present nor the future, nothing will ever be able to separate us from the love of God which is ours in Christ Jesus”
So take your questions and your doubts and use them to learn and grow.  Bring them to Jesus as Thomas did and ask God to reveal himself to you.

Is there other connections between your bible readings and your highs and lows for the week?
·       Was there a word, sentence, or phrase that stood out to you in the readings today?

Pray for those who shared their highs and lows giving thanks for the blessings and asking for God’s help with the struggles.

A further Prayer
 Written and spoken by Joanne Magill
Almighty and merciful God, Thank you for all you have given each of us and for the tiny blessings we receive daily. This morning we especially pray for each of our families, our wider whanau, and particularly our church family here at St Columba’s. This is a unique time for everyone in the world and when we start to count our blessings let us start locally. We pray for Brett and Sue and all the work they do at St Columba’s, particularly the new and regular ways Brett has been reaching out to individuals over the last week. Bless our Session and Board of Managers who continue their efforts at this time. Bless all those who continue to participate in the everyday workings of our church. Lord we are very thankful for their efforts.
Loving God, We bring before you our offerings with grateful hearts, the visible gifts and the invisible gifts given. Please Lord God let these offerings be used wisely and stewarded with care. Bless the cheerful givers and their offerings and may they be used together in your holy name.
Lord we pray for our local community here in Taradale, in Napier, and in Hawkes Bay and all those groups that we participate in locally. We feel in some ways very isolated and in others we are sometimes able to connect with others which is a blessing and a privilege. Thank you that the sun is still coming up and we are able to stay in touch with one another. While the Covid-19 situation is constantly in our prayers now we especially think of those in our local community affected in new and difficult ways by this virus.
We pray for those alone, overwhelmed, anxious and distressed. We pray for those challenged by life beyond Covid-19 in our communities. Those who are facing the same life challenges that continue to go on within the backdrop of the virus. Losing loved ones, unpredictable health, difficult relationships, those awaiting important news. Those undergoing challenging personal circumstances. Some of these individuals are on our minds and we pray for their challenges this morning [pause, reflect, and think].  When we think of those we used to see regularly we pray for their immediate needs today and in the coming week. We especially pray for the local essential workers. Those turning up to risky situations, routine situations and truly new experiences. Those frontline workers in emergency services come to our minds but also the carers, drivers, cleaners, chemists, doctors, hospital workers and the supermarket staff who continue to provide us a safe community. Lord let us pray for those in our community working hard.
Heavenly Father we now look wider than those in our local community and to our country, and we pray earnestly for all leadership in New Zealand. Our Government leadership has been helpful during this Covid-19 outbreak for which we are grateful, but we also pray for the health leaders and the science leaders who have become so important in recent weeks. We think now of those high profile individuals who hold influence in New Zealand society and pray that each of them will continue to show wisdom and concern for others. Bless their sincere efforts. We live in a country rich in both natural resources and people who care. Lord we pray for the wise use of those resources each and every day. Lord we are very grateful for all you have given us here in Aotearoa.
Almighty God of Peace we look now to our whole earth, countries who have faced a massive emergency situation such as Italy, Spain, China, the United States, United Kingdom and others we have been watching from a distance. We pray now for their leaders and especially think of their health services and health workers who have been under immense pressure. We see people all over the world taking risks and trying to fight this virus and we hope the scientists working hard find good news have success. We pray for the individuals making small actions that turn into global rays of light. I think particularly of Captain Tom Moore who felt the best use of his impending 100th birthday was to do a fundraising walk in support of the National Health Service in England which this led to him raising millions of pounds. These kinds of individuals give us hope in the human spirit at this unprecedented time. We pray this morning for those grieving throughout the world for the loss of loved ones and the inability to grieve, or be near them in the usual ways. Lord we pray for peace in the hearts of those people through the world who are anxious they may have Covid-19, that have already found themselves to have Covid-19 or have loved ones directly affected by this virus. Lord we pray for understanding and patience with others as we go about our interactions with people.
Holy Lord of All, as another week unlike any other time in our history starts we especially think of those who have very different lives to ourselves, both in New Zealand and beyond. Those overwhelmed by the increasing demands this time has put on them. Those isolated and feeling alone. Those unwell and anxious. Those with perilous living situations. Those feeling distant from you and your peace. We especially pray for those thinking of others and trying to make a difference. We ask that you help us all count our blessings at this difficult time and we pray for grace and kindness in helping others with the challenges they may be facing. Lord we pray we show grace and understanding.
Loving God We start this week with gratefulness for all we have been given here in Aotearoa, and we really do praise you with thankful hearts for each of our blessings, Please Lord bless each of us as we go forward to shine your light of love into a dark situation.
We ask this all in your holy name and through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

We close reading, praying or singing the hymn:
Click the underlined words

Say this to one another – (and yourself)

The Lord bless you and keep you;
May the Lord be kind and gracious to you;
the Lord look upon you with favour and give you peace.
Numbers 6:24ff

Go now in peace, Go now in peace. May the love of God surround you, Everywhere, everywhere, you may go.


Help during the health crisis:  We are wanting to be able to offer help where we can and where it is needed.  For example, this might be to pick up some groceries and leave them at the door of someone who feels unable to be in contact with people at that time.  It might be a ride to an appointment.  If you wish your name to go onto a list of those willing to help please let anyone Brett or the church office know.  Please note - in order to protect everyone, you must be in good health yourself to be involved in this.
  The Prayer Team: If you or someone you know would benefit from having some prayer support we have a prayer chain so please feel free to send your requests to and the team will spring into action. (You can be assured of confidentiality). 

Zoom Meeting after worship (BYO cuppa and chat)

We are having a get together on Zoom on Sunday after worship at 10:30am.
You can also use your regular phone and dial in the numbers below and add the meeting id when asked.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 953 292 967
Password: 018936

+6448860026,,953292967# New Zealand

Dial by your location
        +64 4 886 0026 New Zealand

Ministers  all the people   Parish contact details   
Church office Will be unstaffed but Anna will answer emails for all needs or questions Phone Brett Walker
Home    06 8442256       Mobile  0274083658

 TV and Online services on Sunday
St Columba’s
Look for the link on the church face book page
Other online and TV Church  services
·         TV One   8am   Praise be   or    9am on Tv1 plus 1
·         Shine TV Sundays
·         Radio
Radio Rhema   99.1 FM
LifeFm – more modern music   93.5 FM
Southern Star – more traditional music    909am 

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Easter Sunday worship

Sunday, April 12 th 2020
Easter Sunday

Christ is risen. He is risen Indeed
Welcome to our third week in lockdown.

We hope you have experienced the presence of God in your life this week.   

We invite you to have your bible beside you for the service, and then take a moment of silence to remember God is with you. 
Maybe you could light a candle as a sign that you are entering this more deliberate sacred time and or find something beautiful to look at like a flower, a picture, a view out the window to remember God as Creator and the giver of good gifts.
If you want all the videos should follow one after another and you won't need to click the links in this order - or come back to this and watch only the bits you want.  

I am having some problems with the correct video starting when you click a link so you may have to use the menu on the right-hand side of the playing video to watch the right clip. it may be easiest to start with the first youtube video and let them play one after another.  You may need to pause them if you want to discuss things.

Call to worship

Recognising Jesus a poem (watch on youtube)  

Jesus in the garden, newly risen from the dead,
who stood by weeping Mary, and who heard the words she said
as if you were the gardener, till at last your shepherd's voice
called her 'Mary' and with one word gave her reason to rejoice,
Jesus in the garden, ever new but still the same,
help me recognise you in the speaking of my name.

Jesus on the journey, fellow traveller on the road,
who met two sad disciples, walking with them as you showed
the meaning of the scriptures that predicted you would rise,
but only when you blessed the meal could they believe their eyes.
Jesus on the journey, meet me where my hopes have fled,
help me recognise you in the breaking of the bread.

Jesus in the locked room, breaking through despair and doubt,
who comforted your friends when they had shut the whole world out,
who came again for Thomas, and revealed your hands and side
so that he could touch and know you as alive, though you had died.
Jesus in the locked room, breaking through our self-built bars,
help me recognise you in the touching of your scars.

Jesus on the shoreline, cooking breakfast for your friends,
who offered guilty Peter one more chance to make amends,
who filled a net with fish for him, and helped him to recall
the first catch that convinced him to respond to your first call.
Jesus on the shoreline, know my best, forgive my worst,
help me recognise you in the way I met you first.

 Opening Prayer

God we thank you that our faith does not just rest on promises alone but the sure evidence of your resurrection. 
You are not just a dead teacher of the way of love but the risen Lord who pours your love into our hearts. 
We have hope not because you are the first fruits of the dead, the first to come alive, an example of what will happen to us in the great resurrection.  We have hope that in the midst of our isolation and grief you come to us, just as you came to those first disciples.  We are grateful that they were surprised at your unexpected appearance and filled with doubt, but you never turned them away.  We also acknowledge our doubts asking for your reassurance and peace.  May the presence of the risen Christ be real for us today.

We invite you to follow the Faith 5 format as we have been doing for each of these lockdown services


If you are with others share your highs and lows for the week. If you are doing this with just you and God, pause and ponder the things of your week that you are grateful for:  the people you know and love, the company you have shared….

Don’t forget the low points – what have you struggled with this week?

Opening Song  (Click the underlined words)
Bible Readings:

 Matthew 28:1-10  You can watch Matthew’s resurrection story portrayed here

Brett’s Message
If you were to say a month ago that there would be no Easter Services in the church everyone would have thought you mad.  Life has a way of throw many surprises at you.
It reminded me of a Christmas video clip by a church in Auckland which has the refrain “no one will have expected that!”  WE didn’t expect the messiah to be born in a stable, we didn’t expect Jesus to die on a cross, and we certainly didn’t expect a dead person to come alive again.
I was interested in the Women who first came to the tomb.  Luke and Matthew record that they were bringing spices to put on the body.  They weren’t expecting a risen saviour.  They certainly weren’t expecting to see an empty tomb or an angel or to meet the risen Christ on the path.
This theme of God doing the unexpected is reflected so often in the bible.  I was thinking about Peters visit to the Gentile Cornelius in Acts 10.  The last thing he was expecting was that all people, even gentiles would be included in God’s plan of salvation and they too would be filled with the Spirit of Jesus.
Thinking about my own life – God had been an idea, Christ a person I had stories about, but when I encountered God for myself – it was amazing but unexpected.  When I was called to be a minister again very unexpected. 

I am sure you will have your own stories of when the risen Christ has met you or done something unexpected. If you haven’t can I suggest you ask God to help you know the presence of the risen Christ and to fill you with his spirit, and then to take those next steps of Following Jesus.

I read a book by Seth Godin called the purple cow – it said that we never really notice a brown or a black cow but if we saw a purple one it would capture our attention.  God has given us a purple cow moment with the resurrection of Jesus but more than that he wants us to create purple cow moments for others.  In this no tough world how can we be high touch people, showing unexpected kindness and love.  In this world we people delight in telling on those who aren’t following the lockdown rules can we be people of grace and forgiveness.  In this world of fear and anxiety – can we be people of hope and peace.  This will mark us as followers of the surprising God.

 Discuss this together
Is there other connections between our bible readings and your highs and lows for the week?
·       Was there a word, sentence, or phrase that stood out to you in the readings today?

Pray for those who shared their highs and lows giving thanks for the blessings and asking for God’s help with the struggles.

Prayer for Others and Ourselves     Written by Sue Read

Lord, you are the strength of our lives. There can be no true progress spiritually without the power of your holy spirit. We have a deep and unshakeable hope that you are working in our midst.

This Easter has been like no other we have experienced because we are affected by a worldwide pandemic. The Covid 19 Virus has affected and killed huge numbers of people; young and old. We know we have to stay home and isolate ourselves. New Zealand is in lockdown, just as most countries are.
We pray for all people of goodwill who with their work and prayers contribute to building in our communities; unity, reconciliation, hope and peace.
We pray for people in New Zealand and other countries with Covid 19 and other illnesses. We especially remember those who have lost loved ones, be near to them.
We pray for people who are struggling with loneliness, anxiety and depression. We pray for those worried about their employment, businesses and what lies ahead of them in the future.
We are so grateful for all of the nurses, doctors and carers, and those who take up the challenge to serve us and whose work demands constant risk. Let us all appreciate what others are doing to keep us safe.
At this time, we particularly pray for Brett and Sue, Pam and Barry. We pray for all of our leaders and teachers and young people everywhere; that they will understand that we will get through this difficult time.

Jesus Christ, have mercy on us.  strengthen us, renew us and lead us so that we may walk in your way on this very special Easter Sunday.
Our Communion Hymn – Behold the lamb
 Listen to the story of the last supper as told by Brooke and Henry Cuneen.
Tai and Katarina Eddy also did a version of that story here

 Communion hymn – Behold the Lamb

Brett leads the service of communion in this video
We invite you to eat and drink together with us.

Final HYMN

I have included 3 more video clips in the playlist if you are following on youtube – let them play or jump to the bless section below in the order of service

1.     Listen to the words – peace be with you
3.     Another version of Christ the Lord is risen today


Say this to one another – (and yourself)

Go today knowing that Christ walks behind you to hem your journey.
Go today knowing that Christ walks before you to light your way.
Go today knowing that Christ is beneath and above you,
that Christ is with you in all ways.
Go today, knowing that Christ surrounds you –
Now and forever. Amen!

Go now in peace, Go now in peace. May the love of God surround you, Everywhere, everywhere, you may go.


Help during the health crisis:  We are wanting to be able to offer help where we can and where it is needed.  For example, this might be to pick up some groceries and leave them at the door of someone who feels unable to be in contact with people at that time.  It might be a ride to an appointment.  If you wish your name to go onto a list of those willing to help please let anyone Brett or the church office know.  Please note - in order to protect everyone, you must be in good health yourself to be involved in this.
  The Prayer Team: If you or someone you know would benefit from having some prayer support we have a prayer chain so please feel free to send your requests to and the team will spring into action. (You can be assured of confidentiality). 

Zoom Meeting after worship (BYO cuppa and chat)

We are having a get together on Zoom on Sunday after worship at 10:30am.
You can also use your regular phone and dial in the numbers below and add the meeting id when asked.

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 376 981 534                   Password: 014488

One tap mobile
+6448860026,,376981534# New Zealand
 Dial by your location
        +64 4 886 0026 New Zealand

 Ministers  all the people   Parish contact details         
Church office Will be unstaffed but Anna will answer emails for all needs or questions Phone Brett Walker
Home    06 8442256       Mobile  0274083658


Thanks for stopping by and reading this. You will find links to St Columba's services, helpful information and a few more personal thoughts.

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About Me

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Married with Children. my wonderful wife is Sue. I have 2 sons Paul in Gisborne David In Napier